Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology has got h-index 80, which means every article in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology has got 80 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Total published articles

31 35 39 73 66 52 67 74 116 120 64 78 78 90 15

Research, Review articles and Editorials

14 19 21 49 28 28 43 44 77 68 43 64 53 63 10

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

11 6 13 24 38 24 24 30 39 52 21 14 25 27 5

Conference proceedings

25 13 3 65 19 65 274 261 443 128 111 69 21 19 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

1294 1511 1829 1912 1898 1452 1390 1420 1404 1247 1043 998 748 734 501
Journal total citations count 22328
Journal impact factor 4.57
Journal 5 years impact factor 28.26
Journal cite score 25.08
Journal h-index 80
Journal h-index since 2019 47
Important citations (627)

chen m (2012) accommodation in pseudophakic eyes. taiwan j ophthalmol 2: 117-121.

arun kumar r, sathish kumar d, nishanth t (2011) assessment & effectiveness of surgeries in human safety. j clinic experiment ophthalmol 2: 201.

chang yi (2015) preparation of rgd peptide modified nanomedicine as eye-drop for cornea anti-angiogenesis treatment. chinese inst biomed eng res zhongyuan university 1: 1-93.

ashraf nn, siyal na, sultan s, adhi mi (2015) comparison of efficacy of storage of amniotic membrane at-20 and-80 degrees centigrade. pakistan j college physicians surgeons jcpsp 25: 264-267.

jeevani t (2011) stem cell transplantation-types, risks and benefits. j stem cell res ther.

nene as, bharali p (2016) fresh human amniotic membrane-a versatile treatment for ocular surface disease. int j sci res 28: 5.

neelima k (2015) short report on intravenous medication. j nursing health sci 1: 2.

qióng h, qí zm, fán l (2014) study on postoperative self - management ability and neivfq - 25 in elderly patients with glaucoma. zhíyč yu jiÅ•nkang 20: 2997-2999.

khadka j, mcalinden c, craig je, fenwick ek, lamoureux el, et al. (2015) identifying content for the glaucoma-specific item bank to measure quality-of-life parameters. j glaucoma 24: 12-19.

khairallah as (2016) outcome of repeat penetrating keratoplasty in eyes with failed penetrating keratoplasty. saudi med j 37: 1029-1032.

rozycki r, nowak-gospodarowicz i, bialas d, pawlik r, rekas m (2014) sclerokeratoplasty as the therapy for corneal perforation due to exposure and neurotrophic keratopathy. case rep ophthalmol med.

pirouzian a, craven er (2014) critical appraisal of loteprednol ointment, gel, and suspension in the treatment of postoperative inflammation and pain following ocular and corneal transplant surgery. clin ophthalmol 8: 379.

nguyen p, rue k, heur m, yiu sc (2014) ocular surface rehabilitation: application of human amniotic membrane in high-risk penetrating keratoplasties. saudi j ophthalmol 28: 198-202.

nguyen p, yiu sc (2013) strategies for local gene therapy of corneal allograft rejection. middle east african j ophthalmol 20: 11.

van essen th, roelen dl, williams ka, jager mj (2015) matching for human leukocyte antigens (hla) in corneal transplantation–to do or not to do. progress retinal eye res 46: 84-110.  

liu yc, peng y, lwin nc, venkatraman ss, wong tt, et al. (2013) a biodegradable, sustained-released, prednisolone acetate microfilm drug delivery system effectively prolongs corneal allograft survival in the rat keratoplasty model. plos one 8: e70419.

khosroshahi ht, abedi b, daneshvar s, sarbaz y, shakeri bavil a (2017) future of the renal biopsy: time to change the conventional modality using nanotechnology. int j of biomed imag 2017: 14.

padhy j (2016) approach to diabetes: its treatment and management. j med heal sci 5:1-10.

Sharma p, bhardwaj p, arif t, khan i, singh r (2014) pharmacology, phytochemistry and safety of aphrodisiac medicinal plants: a review. j pharmacol and toxicol stud 2: 1-18.

indrani p (2016) pre-diabetes a precursor stage to diabetes mellitus a metabolic disease. j pharmacol toxicol stud 4: 60-66.
