Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology has got h-index 80, which means every article in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology has got 80 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Total published articles

31 35 39 73 66 52 67 74 116 120 64 78 78 90 15

Research, Review articles and Editorials

14 19 21 49 28 28 43 44 77 68 43 64 53 63 10

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

11 6 13 24 38 24 24 30 39 52 21 14 25 27 5

Conference proceedings

25 13 3 65 19 65 274 261 443 128 111 69 21 19 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

1294 1511 1829 1912 1898 1452 1390 1420 1404 1247 1043 998 748 734 501
Journal total citations count 22328
Journal impact factor 4.57
Journal 5 years impact factor 28.26
Journal cite score 25.08
Journal h-index 80
Journal h-index since 2019 47
Important citations (627)

asharlous a, hashemi h, jafarzadehpur e, mirzajani a, yekta a, et al. (2016) does astigmatism alter with cycloplegia j curr ophthalmol 28: 131-136.

rudnicka ar, kapetanakis vv, wathern ak, logan ns, gilmartin b, et al. (2016) global variations and time trends in the prevalence of childhood myopia, a systematic review and quantitative meta-analysis: implications for aetiology and early prevention. br j ophthalmol 100: 882-890.

addo rt, yeboah kg, siwale rc, siddig a, jones a, et al. (2015) formulation and characterization of atropine sulfate in albumin–chitosan microparticles for in vivo ocular drug delivery. j pharm sci 104 :1677-1690.

larcos andrade mg (2016) melanoma coroideo a propósito de un caso clínico en el hospital carlos andrade marín (bachelor's thesis, quito: usfq, 2016).

buitrago torrado mf, vives restrepo je, fernández santodomingo as, bolívar m, samara f, et al. (2013) overview of mycotic queratitis. revista de la universidad industrial de santander. salud 45: 55-69.

haghani i, amirinia f, nowroozpoor dailami k, shokohi t (2015) detection of fungi by conventional methods and semi-nested pcr in patients with presumed fungal keratitis. curr med mycol 1: 31-38.

krizsán k, papp t, manikandan p, shobana cs, chandrasekaran m, et al. (2015) clinical importance of the genus curvularia. inmedical mycology: current trends and future prospects 4: 147-204.

rastogi v, verma p, parashar a, porwal r, jorawat b (2016) fungal etiology and outcome of ocular diseases in patients attending a tertiary care hospital in eastern rajasthan. int j sci res.

haghani i, amirinia f, nowroozpoor-dailami k, shokohi t. detection of fungi by conventional and semi-nested pcr in patients with presumed fungal keratitis. curr med mycol 1: 31-38.

beardsley j, denning dw, chau nv, yen nt, crump ja, et al. (2015) estimating the burden of fungal disease in vietnam. mycoses 58: 101-106.

kredics l, narendran v, shobana cs, vágvölgyi c, manikandan p (2015) filamentous fungal infections of the cornea: a global overview of epidemiology and drug sensitivity. mycoses 58: 243-260.

das d, deka p, magdalene d, bhattacharjee k, bhattacharjee h, et al. (2015) retinoblastoma and acute inflammation. bengal ophthalmic 44-46.

rao s, sobti p, nita khurana k (2014) high-risk histomorphological features in retinoblastoma and their association with p53 expression: an indian experience. indian j ophthalmol 62: 1069.

lestak j, zahlava j, tintera j, jiraskova n, navratil l (2016) fmri in a patient with pigmentary retinal dystrophy. wulfenia j 23: 338-346.

lešták j, tintera j, ettler l, svatá z, rozsíval p (2012) brain activations in fmri induced by color stimulation in patients with normotensive glaucoma. j clin exp ophthalmol 3: 2.

lešták j, tintera j, kyncl m, svatá z, rozsíval p (2013) high tension glaucoma and normal tension glaucoma in brain mri. j clin exp ophthalmol 4: 2.

lestak j, tintera j, svata z, ettler l, rozsival p (2014) glaucoma and cns. comparison of fmri results in high tension and normal tension glaucoma. biomed pap med fac univ palacky olomouc czech repub 158: 144-153.

yigit u, onur u, acet y, agaçhan a (2014) laser periferik iridotomi sonrasi bir yillik takip sürecinde ön segment morfolojisindeki degisikliklerin degerlendirilmesi. turkish j ophthalmol.

yigit u, onur u, acet y, agachan a (2014) evaluation of the changes in anterior segment morphology after laser peripheral iridotomy through one-year follow-up/laser periferik iridotomi sonrasi bir yillik takip surecinde on segment morfolojisindeki degisikliklerin degerlendirilmesi. turkish j ophthalmol 44: 6-11.

fathi j (2015) the existance of the liquid area on the cornea for glaucoma determination using 3d-haar filter. j comput sci syst biol 8: 327.
