
Yidong Wei, M.D., Ph.D., FACC
Professor, Department of Cardiology
Tongji University, China
Dr. Yidong Wei is a chief of the Department of Cardiology at Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital of Tongji University and a Clinician Manager at Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Oxford. He is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, and received his clinical training at Henan Medical University and basic research training at the University of Kentucky. He had obtained Ph.D in 2004 and worked as postdoctoral fellow from 2004 to 2006.
Research Interest
Dr. Yidong Wei focuses on interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, prevention of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular epidemiology. Especially, he has been interested in clinical trial of interventional cardiology and calcium channel function of cardiac myocytes for basic research. Calcium is key point in progress of heart failure and effects excitation-contraction coupling. He attempts to investigate the mechanism in aging related changes of embryonic ventricular myocytes via patch clamp, calcuim imaging, laser confocal technic and molecular biology. It is identified that the regulated mechanisms of calcuim channel current following aging related changes of embryonic ventricular myocytes. Thereby, it is revealed the mechanism of cell electrophysiology in the progress of heart failure.

Ulrich Rudolf Mahlknecht, PhD
Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Rudolf Mahlknecht, Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology/Oncology
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. Ulrich Mahlknecht was a scholar within a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft young investigator excellence research program (Emmy Noether-Program). His research was later also supported by the Deutsche José Carreras Leukemia Foundation. In 2007 Ulrich Mahlknecht became a full professor of medicine at the Saarland University, where he was the head of the Division of Immunotherapy and Gene Therapy within the Department of Internal Medicine. Ulrich Mahlknecht is president of the Clinical Epigenetics Society (CLEPSO), a non-for-profit international organization, which supports basic, translational and clinical research within the field of epigenetics. In 2009 Ulrich Mahlknecht founded and became editor-in-chief of the Clinical Epigenetics journal. Currently he is Professor at the University of Heidelberg in the Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology/Oncology, Solingen, Germany.
Board certifications: Internal medicine, Hematology/oncology, Gastroenterology, Palliative care, Emergency medicine and Aviation medicine
Research Interest
Clinical Epigenetics, Hematolog/Oncology and Gastrontereology, Nutritional Medicine