ISSN: 0974-276X
Ligand binding and membrane insertion compete with oligomerization of the BclXL apoptotic repressor
Amjad farooq
Role of waters in ligand binding
Art E. Cho
Benoit Coulombe
Bevin Gangadharan, Manisha Bapat, Jan Rossa, Robin Antrobus, David Chittenden, Bettina Kampa, Eleanor Barnes, Paul Klenerman, Raymond A. Dwek and Nicole Zitzmann
Disease Proteomics: A novel model for studying breast cancer progression
Charles Streckfus
Charles Yuan Jie Liu, Ben Yu and Lucy Yin
Chi Zhang
Proteomic analysis for the early detection and rational treatment of cancer--realistic hope?
Posadas EM, Simpkins F, Liotta LA, MacDonald C and Kohn EC
SNPs and drug response: How to separate the wheat from the chaff
Evgeny Krynetskiy
Computational identification of metabolic pathways in the malaria parasite, plasmodium falciparum
Ezekiel Adebiyi
Gene: literature-based gene prioritization at multi genomic scale
Fontaine JF, Priller F, Barbosa-Silva A and Andrade-Navarro MA
Solving shortest hamilinion path problem using DNA computing
Hala Mohammed, Alshamlan Mohammed and El Bachir Menai
Protein interaction networks regulating cell signaling in cancer
HIgor Stagljar
Carr KM, Rosenblatt K, Petricoin EF and Liotta LA
Marcus Rogerio de Oliveira
The stimulus sensitive phosphoproteome of the synaptic vesicle endocytosis machinery
Mark E. Graham, Nicolai Bache, Sushma Rao, Nicole Honeyman, Martin R. Larsen and Phillip J. Robinson
Haitao (Mark) Ji
Investigating the structural effects of cancer mutations using protein interfaces
Marketa Zvelebil, Konstantinos Mitsopoulos and Octavio Espinosa
The science of proteomics: Methodology & human health perspectives
Nawin Mishra
Protein coding region identification
P Kiran Sree
COPaKB: A proteomic knowledgebase for cardiac biology and medicine
Peipei Ping, Nobel Zong, Haomin Li, Mabel Chen, Rafael Jimenez, Tao Xu, Henning Hermjakob, Huilong Duan, John Yates III and Rolf Apweiler
Peek a peak: A glance at statistics for quantitative label-free proteomics
Podwojski K, Eisenacher M, Kohl M, Turewicz M, Meyer HE, Rahnenführer J and Stephan C. Peipei Ping
Vadim Zinchuk, Yong Wu, Olga Grossenbacher-Zinchuk and Enrico Stefani
Proteomics analysis of strawberry leaves infected with colletotrichum fragariae
Xianping Fang and Songlin Ruan
Zhang Pi-hong