ISSN: 2155-9554
+44 1478 350008
Beth Anne George
Thalidomide induced thrombocytopenia in a case of chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CCLE)
Ruchi Shah
Soft tissue sarcoma complicating neurofibromatosis type 1 during pregnancy
Afaf Khouna
Multifocal lupus vulgaris: Plaque and hypertrophic variety
Amrit Kaur
Rising incidence of familial dermatophytosis in the indian subcontinent: Possible risk factors
Ankita Tuknayat
Different thickness split-skin graft use in postraumatic wound management
Inga Guogiene, Valdone Kolaityte, Aurimas Dobilinskas and Rytis Rimdeika
Does any promising treatment in Notalgia Paresthetica
Cevriye Mulkoglu
Adult hemangioma over the lip with frequent ulceration and literature review
Endris Alkadir Semman
PUVA + IFN-2b combined therapy for mycosis fungoides in Russia
Grekova E V
Mutation of connexin 26 (M34T, V37I, R127H) at psoriatic erythroderma
Grekova E V
Oral pulse prednisolone therapy as a treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria
Hosam A Yassin
Occupational cement contact dermatitis and cement burn in construction settings
Leon Kabamba Ngombe
Effect of vacuum massage therapy on the post-burn scar: Single blind randomised controlled study
Mahmoud Elshazly
Skin symptoms are frequently observed in albinism, precise identification is required for treatment
Kakiesse Musumba
Clinico-etiological profile of lichen planus pigmentosus
Sarita Sanke, Vibhu Mendiratta and Ram Chander
Whole genome expression of epidermis infected with common skin dwellers
Sidra Younis
Dress syndrome induced by antiepileptic drugs in hospitals in Bukavu: About two cases
Stella Semikenke
Socioeconomic and geographic barriers to dermatology care in urban and rural U.S. populations
Toral S Vaidya
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome: New case treated with sirolimus
Kaddioui Zina