ISSN: 2165- 7866
+44 1300 500008
Teaching computer graphics by application
Carol Luckhardt Redfield
Teaching computer graphics by application
Carol Luckhardt Redfield
The integration of 3D software and fine art
Lauren Carr
Improved additive spread spectrum embedding for data hiding
Xiaoqiang Zhang
Design and implementation of a teleconferencing system using improved HEVC coding
Shaima Safaaldin Bahaaldin
Ramesh Jain
Personalized model of kinematic and dynamic of physical activities
Ruzena Bajcsy
Personalized model of kinematic and dynamic of physical activities
Ruzena Bajcsy
Personalized model of kinematic and dynamic of physical activities
Ruzena Bajcsy
Commerce and engagement for entertainment, the new frontier
Susan Johnston
Will Kim
Everysense everywhere human communication
Adrian David Cheok
Creating adaptable character animations through evolution for interactive environments
Ben Kenwright
Event reasoning for transport video surveillance
Huiyu Zhou
How does image noise affect viewer s visual attention and scene perception?
Kun Guo
Opening the black box: Hierarchical sampling optimization for estimating human hand pose
Tae-Kyun Kim
Variational image segmentation model coupled with image restoration achievements
Xiaohao Cai
Advanced animation technology for digital health
Xiaosong Yang
An object-based visual selection framework
Alcides Xavier Benicasa
Sensorially-enhanced media: One size fits all?
Iris Galloso
Speech systems to help persons suffering from a communication disorder
Kamil Kadi
Urban games: How to increase motivation, interaction and learning of students in the schools
Clara Pereira Coutinho
Oscar Koller
Architectures of next generation wireless networks
Pascal Lorenz
Mobile cloud computing for plant leaf analysis
Shitala Prasad
The role of multimedia in the medical field - A tale of win and loss
Michael Riegler
Sofie Beier
PEL-Predictive edge linking algorithm
Edward Chome
Utilization of bone-conducted speech in noisy environments
Tetsuya Shimamura
Gang Wu
Flexible detection algorithm for advanced MIMO systems
Mohamed G El-Mashed