ISSN: 2332-0737
Controlled ultrasound cavitation for DNA delivery into bacteria and yeast
Gustavo Stadthagen, Mignon Charlotte, Mestas Jean-Louis, Donnat Stephanie, Poncet Emilie, Sodoyer Regis, Lafon Cyril and Werle Bettina
Mitigation of poultry-borne Campylobacteriosis by an engineered enteric commensal
Richard McLean
Zehra Tatli, Matthew DeLisa and Eda Celik
Neema K N, Vivek H K and S Nanjunda Swamy
Screening of phytochemicals for the inhibition of JAK2 by molecular docking
Shalini Koshle, Vivek H K, Neema K N and S Nanjunda Swamy
The landscape and flux theory for biological networks
Jin Wang
Artificial RNA Synthesis Can Be Facilitated by a 5S rRNA Cassertte
George E Fox
Theory of reliability in systems biology: Reliable systems from unreliable elements
Vitaly K Koltover
Nuclear spin catalysis as new trend in biophysics
Vitaly K Koltover
Quantum entanglement in nano bioorganic systems
Arvydas Tamulis
Synthetic photosynthetic cyanobacteria to produce fine chemicals directly from CO2
Weiwen Zhang
Disulfide bonds as structural scaffolds for neurotoxic peptides
Durba Roy
De novo design of disulfiderich miniproteins: Scaffolds for engineering proteinbased therapeutics
Christopher D Bahl
Renata Silva-Mann
Biosensors: A promising alternative to improve the agricultural sector of an Indian economy
Ruchi Singla
Abhishek Kundu
Male apomixis-Towards the synthetic engineering of clonal seed formation in plants
De Storme Nico
Synthetic microRNAs to boost cellular production of biopharmaceuticals
Kerstin Otte
DNA recombination engineering for improved and more reliable protein expression from DNA vectors
Nicolas Mermod
Petros Kolovos, Harmen J GVan Der Werken, Nick Kepper, Jessica Zuin, Rutger WW Brouwer, Christel E M Kockx, Wilfred F JVan Ijcken, Kerstin S Wendt, Frank Grosveld and Tobias A Knoch
Bioengineering in the whole scale: Integrating protein engineering methods into plant omics research
Pavel Mazura
Abhinav Grover
Randomness and preserved patterns in cancer network
Aparna Rai
Ashish Runthala
Non-GMO genetically edited crop plants
Chidananda Nagamangala Kanchiswamy
An effective system for a better understating of plant cold tolerance
Hail Rihan, Mohammed Al-Issawi and Mick Fuller
Jeevithan Elango and Wu Wen Hui
Bt brinjal: A case study in biosafety risks to plant biodiversity
J Samuels
Miladys Limonta Fernández
Ajiloseda Charles Adeniyi
Seyed Abdolreza Mortazavi Tabatabaei
Marghali Sonia, FadhlaouiImen, TouatiAsma, Zitouna Nadia, Ben RhoumaHela and Trifi-Farah Neila
Tsige Ketema, Ketema Bacha, Esayas Alemayehu and Argaw Ambelu