ISSN: 0974-276X
Ron L Martin
Nano-assembly of amyloid β peptide: Role of the hairpin fold
Yuri L Lyubchenko
De novo design and characterization of circular tandem repeat proteins
Barry L Stoddard, Phil Bradley, Jazmine Hallinan and Lindsey Doyle
BioTethering: A novel approach to engineering therapeutics proteins
Erik D Foehr
Dhanesh Gadre and Ellen T O’Connor
Kelly Yan
Soojin Han
Andrew L Lobashevsky
A modular platform for targeted RNAi therapeutics using biologically-lipidated antibodies
Itai Benhar
ProxiMAX randomization: Precision antibody engineering
Anna V Hine
Design of PDZ domain specificity
Ernesto J Fuentes
Improved illumina sequencing by polymerase engineering
Seth McDonald
Immunological detection of antibiotic residues using antibody engineering
Xiaoying Zhang
Engineering Tn5 transposase enzyme to improve DNA sequencing library preparation
Amirali Kia
PD-L1 assays: An update on FDA-approvals and uses with companion immunotherapies
Steven Alexander Mann
Estefania Arevalo-Tristancho, Luis Eduardo Diaz-Barrera and Jorge Eduardo Cortazar-Gomez
Marissa L Matsumoto
Stephen D Kirby
Karen Bunting
Accelerating protein production: High efficiency tags, fusions and automated purification
Christopher H Gray
Haiyan Jiang
Jeff Mihailoff
Developing and manufacturing the next generation of bioconjugates
Thomas Rohrer
Evolution of Bt proteins overcomes Bt resistance in insects
Victor Guzov
Predicting, avoiding and mitigating risk of failure when developing biotherapeutics
Yvette Stallwood
Franz Grus and Yu Huimin
ProxiMAX and MAX randomization: Precision protein engineering
Anna V Hine
Antibody hit discovery using yeast surface display
Stefan Zielonka
The value of the serum antibodies detection for the diagnosis of human hydatidosis
L M Junie and Stanca Pandrea
D L Savithramma, Nguyen Ngoe Thi, Madhu S V, Sritama Kundu and Mallikarjun K