Journal of Defense Management

Journal of Defense Management
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0374

Journal of Defense Management : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Defense Management have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Defense Management has got h-index 6, which means every article in Journal of Defense Management has got 6 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Defense Management.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Total published articles

33 33 4 5 9 14 20

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

85 62 78 37 39 21 6
Journal total citations count 373
Journal impact factor 2.3
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.6
Journal cite score 4.3
Journal h-index 6
Journal h-index since 2019 5
Important citations (315)

Yilmaz, n., & gencer, c. e. v. r. ?. y. e. (2018). where to locate tethered aerostats for an effective surveillance system: a case study on southern turkey. gazi university journal of science, 31(1), 189-200.

Okunade, s. k., & ogunnubi, o. (2020). insurgency in the border communities of north-eastern nigeria: security responses and sustainable solutions. the round table, 109(6), 684-700.

Ebonyi, a. a. assessment of the socio-economic effects of military operation against boko haram terrorism in maiduguri, borno state, nigeria.

Müller, v. (2021). operations of african states against violent non-state actors in somalia, nigeria, and the democratic republic of the congo.

Tar, u. a., & bala, b. (2021). lake chad basin: emerging regional architecture for counter terrorism and counterinsurgency. in the routledge handbook of counterterrorism and counterinsurgency in africa (pp. 379-391). routledge.

Onuh, p. a., obiefuna, a. s., nnaji, d. i., & a. ifem, l. (2021). engagement in licit ventures by terrorist organisations and terrorism financing in the lake chad region. cogent social sciences, 7(1), 1920708.

Adeniyi, k. (2019). information operations as a viable tool for counter insurgency operations: an appraisal of counter insurgency operations in the lake chad region. us army command and general staff college fort leavenworth united states.

Akem-vingir, p. (2020). the lived experiences of reformed armed robbers in nigeria (doctoral dissertation, walden university).

Okunade, s. k., faluyi, o. t., & matambo, e. (2021). evolving patterns of insurgency in southern and west africa: refocusing the boko haram lens on mozambique. african security review, 1-17.

Olu-adeyemi, l. (2020). is there borderline in nigerias northeast? multi-national joint task force and counterinsurgency operation in perspective. african journal of political science and international relations, 14(2), 33-45.

Crosby, t., & fox, w. p. (2017). graphical profiling: knowledge through prediction. journal of global peace and conflict, 5(1), 11-24.

Richman, a. (2018). patterns within nine preattack phases that emerged in israel suicide bombing cases (doctoral dissertation, walden university).

Couch, c., fox, w. p., & everton, s. f. (2016). mathematical modeling and analysis of a dark money network. the journal of defense modeling and simulation, 13(3), 343-354.

Crosby, t. d. (2014). geographic profiling: knowledge through prediction. naval postgraduate school monterey ca.

Fox, w. p. (2015). an alternative approach to the lottery method in utility theory for game theory. american journal of operations research, 5(03), 199.

Fox, w. p. (2014). using multi-attribute decision methods in mathematical modeling to produce an order of merit list of high valued terrorists. american journal of operations research, 4(06), 365.

Nallakaruppan, m. k., & kumaran, u. s. (2018). quick fix for obstacles emerging in management recruitment measure using iot-based candidate selection. service oriented computing and applications, 12(3), 275-284.

Abd el salam, h. (2018). preserving cultural heritage in minya, egypt (doctoral dissertation, middle tennessee state university).

Laurent, a., abdel-sayed, p., hirt-burri, n., scaletta, c., michetti, m., de buys roessingh, a., ... & applegate, l. a. (2021). evolution of diploid progenitor lung cell applications: from optimized b

Laurent, a., darwiche, s. e., hirt-burri, n., scaletta, c., michetti, m., laurent, p., ... & applegate, l. a. (2020). banking progenitor cells for hippiatric regenerative medicine: optimized establishment of safe and consistent cell sources for standardized veterinary therapeutic protocols. american journal of biomedical science, 8(4), 252-271.
