Journal of Defense Management

Journal of Defense Management
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0374

Journal of Defense Management : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Defense Management have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Defense Management has got h-index 6, which means every article in Journal of Defense Management has got 6 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Defense Management.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Total published articles

33 33 4 5 9 14 20

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

85 62 78 37 39 21 6
Journal total citations count 373
Journal impact factor 2.3
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.6
Journal cite score 4.3
Journal h-index 6
Journal h-index since 2019 5
Important citations (315)

Türk, a. (2020). an investigation for maturity level and roadmap of unmanned aerial vehicle technologies in turkey.

Ortlieb, m., & adolf, f. m. (2020, october). rule-based path planning for unmanned aerial vehicles in non-segregated air space over congested areas. in 2020 aiaa/ieee 39th digital avionics systems conference (dasc) (pp. 1-9). ieee.

Sathyan, a., harrison, h. s., kiefer, a. w., silva, p. l., macpherson, r., & cohen, k. (2019, june). genetic fuzzy system for anticipating athlete decision making in virtual reality. in international fuzzy systems association world congress (pp. 578-588). springer, cham.

Sathyan, a. (2017). intelligent machine learning approaches for aerospace applications (doctoral dissertation, university of cincinnati).

Su, b., zhao, h., qi, t., liu, x., & yu, r. (2019, september). research on architecture of intelligent command and control system. in 2019 international conference on virtual reality and intelligent systems (icvris) (pp. 362-364). ieee.

Rowe, a., spriggs, s., boyer, j., & hughes, t. (2018). fusion framework: research testbed for human-autonomy teaming. infoscitex beavercreek.

Jin, x. (2017). simulation game system: a possible way to realize intelligent command and control. in advances in computer science and ubiquitous computing (pp. 560-565). springer, singapore.

Krupiy, t. (2018). regulating a game changer: using a distributed approach to develop an accountability framework for lethal autonomous weapon systems. geo. j. int'l l., 50, 45.

Fleck, d. e., ernest, n., asch, r., adler, c. m., cohen, k., yuan, w., ... & babcock, l. (2021). predicting post-concussion symptom recovery in adolescents using a novel artificial intelligence. journal of neurotrauma, 38(7), 830-836.

Israelsen, b. w., ahmed, n., center, k., green, r., & bennett jr, w. (2017). adaptive simulation-based training of ai decision-makers using bayesian optimization. arxiv preprint arxiv:1703.09310.

Zhang, l. a., xu, j., gold, d., hagen, j., kochhar, a. k., lohn, a. j., & osoba, o. a. (2020). air dominance through machine learning: a preliminary exploration of artificial intelligence-assisted mission planning. rand corporation santa monica.

Liu, j., zhao, m., li, g., & chen, j. (2020). multiple linear regression prediction and wavelet neural network based intelligent online tuning control method. ieee access, 8, 160684-160696.

Kang, y., liu, z., pu, z., yi, j., & zu, w. (2019, november). beyond-visual-range tactical game strategy for multiple uavs. in 2019 chinese automation congress (cac) (pp. 5231-5236). ieee.

Heydarian pashakhanlou, a. (2019). ai, autonomy, and airpower: the end of pilots?. defence studies, 19(4), 337-352.

Yang, z., sun, z., piao, h., zhao, y., zhou, d., kong, w., & zhang, k. (2020). an autonomous attack guidance method with high aiming precision for ucav based on adaptive fuzzy control under model predictive control framework. applied sciences, 10(16), 5677.

Noël, j. c. (2018). will artificial intelligence revolutionize the art of war?. politique etrangere, (4), 159-170.

Ludwig, j., & presnell, b. (2019, july). developing an adaptive opponent for tactical training. in international conference on human-computer interaction (pp. 532-541). springer, cham.

Lee, b. y., han, s., park, h., & tahk, m. j. (2017, july). one-versus-one air combat algorithm considering direction of the lift vector. in 2017 25th mediterranean conference on control and automation (med) (pp. 265-270). ieee.

Wallace, r. (2020). cognitive instabilities under contention, friction, and the fog-of-war challenge the ai revolution. connection science, 32(3), 264-279.

Kiefer, a. (2017). moving from biology to behavior i: leveraging phenotypic plasticity to train beyond resiliency and toward antifragility in sport. book of, 74.
