Journal of Defense Management

Journal of Defense Management
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0374

Journal of Defense Management : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Defense Management have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Defense Management has got h-index 6, which means every article in Journal of Defense Management has got 6 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Defense Management.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Total published articles

33 33 4 5 9 14 20

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

85 62 78 37 39 21 6
Journal total citations count 373
Journal impact factor 2.3
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.6
Journal cite score 4.3
Journal h-index 6
Journal h-index since 2019 5
Important citations (315)

Kusumo, m. p., & kusumawati, w. (2022). barriers barriers to physical activity programs in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (t2dm) in yogyakarta: a qualitative study. unnes journal of public health, 11(1).

Dukes, c. t. (2020). women's journey to equal opportunity: switching roles into dominant leadership positions in the workplace and higher education (doctoral dissertation, st. thomas university).

Markiewicz, k., & ga?, z. b. (2020). nature of the interactions between work and family satisfaction in women. acta neuropsychologica, 18(1).

Pradanie, r., rachmawati, p. d., & ruski, m. r. (2020). influencing factors the behavior of housewives living near the railroad tracks in preventing hearing loss. systematic reviews in pharmacy, 11(5), 755-760.

Djumrianti, d., & oseso-asare, a. e. (2021, january). analysis of daily conversation for online drivers. in 4th forum in research, science, and technology (first-t3-20) (pp. 63-69). atlantis press.

Saniel, j. j. (2018, october). conceptualizations on femininity and identified issues in women. in fifth international conference on women & gender studies 2018 (p. 80).

Olusa, a. o., ogunfunmilakin, b. i., & adedoyin, i. (2021). the role of coping ability on perceived job-related stress of male and female teachers in selected secondary schools in akure, nigeria. journal of behavioural studies, 3(1).

Ijatuyi, e. j. (2020). effects of award incentives and competition on entrepreneurship development among female farmers in north west province (doctoral dissertation, north-west university (south africa)).

Compaoré, a., ouedraogo, k., boua, p. r., watson, d., kehoe, s. h., newell, m. l., ... & sorgho, h. (2020). ‘men are not playing their roles’, maternal and child nutrition in nanoro, burkina faso. public health nutrition, 1-11.

Gimenez-espin, j. a., jiménez-jiménez, d., & martínez-costa, m. (2013). organizational culture for total quality management. total quality management & business excellence, 24(5-6), 678-692.
