Journal of Defense Management

Journal of Defense Management
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0374

Journal of Defense Management : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Defense Management have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Defense Management has got h-index 6, which means every article in Journal of Defense Management has got 6 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Defense Management.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Total published articles

33 33 4 5 9 14 20

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

85 62 78 37 39 21 6
Journal total citations count 373
Journal impact factor 2.3
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.6
Journal cite score 4.3
Journal h-index 6
Journal h-index since 2019 5
Important citations (315)

Raghavendra s. survey on artificial intelligence. vol. 7(5);2019.

Bernal, i. (2020). optimizing engagement simulations through the advanced framework for simulation, integration, and modeling (afsim) software (doctoral dissertation, the ohio state university).

Wang, y., jiang, t., & li, y. (2021, october). a hierarchical reinforcement learning method on multi ucav air combat. in 2021 international conference on neural networks, information and communication engineering (vol. 11933, pp. 117-123). spie.

Pickering, l., & cohen, k. (2021, june). toward explainable ai—genetic fuzzy systems—a use case. in north american fuzzy information processing society annual conference (pp. 343-354). springer, cham.

Bisig, c. r. (2021). modular decentralized genetic fuzzy control for multi-uav slung payloads (doctoral dissertation, university of cincinnati).

Jin, x., xu, t., zhou, f., & wu, y. (2019, august). technical direction analysis on multi-branch large-sample wargaming: a hybrid intelligence based solution to future command & control. in 2019 11th international conference on intelligent human-machine systems and cybernetics (ihmsc) (vol. 2, pp. 322-325). ieee.

Cohen, k., & kastner, j. project 3: bio-inspired artificial intelligence.

Sathyan, a., yuan, w., fleck, d. e., bonnette, s., diekfuss, j. a., martis, m., ... & cohen, k. (2021, june). genetic fuzzy methodology to predict time to return to play from sports-related concussion. in north american fuzzy information processing society annual conference (pp. 380-390). springer, cham.

Kastner, j., kumar, m., & sridhar, m. s. project: bio-inspired optimization of the multiple traveling salesman problem.

Bede, b., & williams, a. (2021, june). takagi-sugeno fuzzy systems with triangular membership functions as interpretable neural networks. in north american fuzzy information processing society annual conference (pp. 14-25). springer, cham.

Ijebor, c. (2020). artificially intelligent warfare and the revolution in military affairs.

Haldane, a. g., & turrell, a. e. (2018). an interdisciplinary model for macroeconomics. oxford review of economic policy, 34(1-2), 219-251.

Moon, i. c., jung, m., & kim, d. (2020). modeling and simulation on one-vs-one air combat with deep reinforcement learning. journal of the korea society for simulation, 29(1), 39-46.

Deng, b., & collier, t. (2019). increasing relative angular velocity for air combat in zero gravity. aerospace systems, 2(2), 83-95.

Kim, d., shin, y., an, k. s., kim, y. g., moon, i. c., & bae, j. w. (2021). virtual-constructive simulation interoperation for aircombat battle experiment. journal of the korea society for simulation, 30(1), 139-152.

Chen, y., sun, x., liu, d., & li, s. (2019, october). optimal guidance method for ucav in close free air combat. in 2019 ieee international conferences on ubiquitous computing & communications (iucc) and data science and computational intelligence (dsci) and smart computing, networking and services (smartcns) (pp. 356-360). ieee.

Wu, a., yang, r., liang, x., zhang, j., qi, d., & wang, n. (2021). visual range maneuver decision of unmanned combat aerial vehicle based on fuzzy reasoning. international journal of fuzzy systems, 1-18.

Shukla, d. (2020). learning and evolving flight controller for fixed-wing unmanned aerial systems (doctoral dissertation, university of kansas).

Büyüksava?, b. (2021). an analysis on unmanned combat aerial vehicles (ucavs) from the perspective of domestic audience costs (doctoral dissertation).

Sathyan, a., cohen, k., & ma, o. (2020). genetic fuzzy based scalable system of distributed robots for a collaborative task. frontiers in robotics and ai, 7.
