Journal of Depression and Anxiety

Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1044

+44 1223 790975

Journal of Depression and Anxiety : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Depression and Anxiety have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Depression and Anxiety has got h-index 23, which means every article in Journal of Depression and Anxiety has got 23 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Depression and Anxiety.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Year wise published articles

60 40 25 29 51 64

Year wise citations received

406 400 274 270 188 170
Journal total citations count 2121
Journal impact factor 5.92
Journal 5 years impact factor 6.92
Journal cite score 7.46
Journal h-index 23
Journal h-index since 2019 19
Important citations (905)

haroun m. ????? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ???: ? ? ??? ?????? (doctoral dissertation, ??????? ????????? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ??????).‎

yilleng sb, dapap dd (2020) evaluation of early psychological symptoms of major limb amputation in a tertiary hospital. journal of biomedical research and clinical practice. 3:389-95.

park s, choi wj, kim s, kim b, son sj, roh d, et al. (2020) effects of transcranial direct current stimulation using miniaturized devices vs sertraline for depression in korea: a 6 week, multicenter, randomized, double blind, active-controlled study. journal of psychiatric research1;127:42-7.

carrasco vc, calvo jc, arnal rb, barba mg, galdón ml (2020) influye el afecto sobre la estimación del tiempo? un estudio experimental. revista infad de psicología. international journal of developmental and educational psychology 2: 53-62.

pshuk ng, belov oo (2017) features of pathomorphosis of depressive disorders of endogenous nature. bulletin of scientific research. (2): 136-9.  

gate chain pj. desertion of psychological therapy in outpatient clinic, after hospital discharge, in patients with major depression, from the mental health department of the carlos andrade marín-quito hospital, during the period between january-march 2019 (bachelor's thesis, puce-quito) .

pshuk ng, belov oo, kyrylyuk np (2017) features of clinical-psychopathological phenomenology and pathomorphosis of depressive disorders of endogenous nature. medical psychology (12, no. 3): 3-5.  

milijašević bŽ, vlajankov al, ubavić mb, rašković al, martić nb, tomić zs. analysis of antidepressant use in republic of serbia from 2013 to 2015. hospital pharmacology-international multidisciplinary journal. 2018;5(1):607-16.

belov oo (2018) pushuk ng. intrasyndromic phenomenology of endogenous depressive disorders in the aspect of clinical pathomorphosis. bulletin of scientific research (4): 119-23.  

  password id food and depression

sharpener o, stamati t. new findings on depression and the role of the nurse.

harrington j. ytt research paper.

mahmudah ra, hasanuddin s, saleh a, yuliastri wo, isrul m (2019) antidepressant activity and identification of chemical compounds extract mustard leaves (brassica juncea l.). research j of pharmacy and technology 12(7):3223-7.

strona w (2019) some trends of clinical and symptomatic pathomorphosis of depressive disorders taking into account the age factor. wiad lek 72(9):1787-90.

iloh gu, aguocha gu, amadi an, chukwuonye me (2018) depression among ambulatory adult patients in a primary care clinic in southeastern nigeria. nigerian postgraduate medical journal 25(4):204.

tefera t depression among women offenders in kality correctional center addis ababa: prevalence and contributing factors (doctoral dissertation, addis ababa university).

venty v, rismarini r, puspitasari d, kesuma y, indra rm (2018) depression in children with thalassemia major: prevalence and contributing factors. paediatrica indonesiana 58(6):263-8.

gupta a, sharma v, singh l (2018) european j of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences. european j of biomedical 5(4):962-71.

fathinezhad z, sewell rd, lorigooini z, rafieian-kopaei m (2019) depression and treatment with effective herbs. current pharmaceutical design.

iloh gu, orji un, chukwuonye me, ifedigbo cv (2018) the role of family bio-social variables in depression in a resource-constrained environment: a cross-sectional study of ambulatory adult patients in a primary care clinic in eastern nigerian. j of medical sciences 38(1):29.
