Journal of Developing Drugs

Journal of Developing Drugs
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-6631

+44 1478 350008

Journal of Developing Drugs : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Developing Drugs have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Developing Drugs has got h-index 17, which means every article in Journal of Developing Drugs has got 17 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Developing Drugs.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Total published articles

29 35 18 2 9

Conference proceedings

14 4 0 0 108

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

339 354 252 190 122
Journal total citations count 1586
Journal impact factor 9.67
Journal 5 years impact factor 12.48
Journal cite score 12.42
Journal h-index 17
Journal h-index since 2019 16
Important citations (882)

Self-expandable hydrogel biliary stent design utilizing the swelling property of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel

Hidroksiapatit-jelatin ve hidroksiapatit-kitosan biyokompozitlerin yapay vücut s?v?s? ortam?nda Üretimi s?ras?nda 5-fu ?lac?n?n yüklenmesi ve ?laç sal?m Çal??malar?

Development and validation of a novel reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography with refractive index detector method for assay of polyvinyl alcohol in an ophthalmic solution

Novel guidewire design and coating for continuous delivery of adenosine during interventional procedures

The effects of the solution parameters on electrospinning of poly vinyl alcohol

Additive manufacturing of oral tablets: technologies, materials and printed tablets

Enzymatic degradation of chitosan blend for tissue engineering application

Prestretching effect and recovery process of polyvinyl alcohol film crosslinked with tartaric acid

Estudo de liberação de nanofibras poliméricas de ecovio® contendo cilostazol

Vpliv sestavin hrane in razli?nih mehanskih obremenitev na sproš?anje u?inkovine iz hidrofilnih ogrodnih tablet

Additive manufacturing of oral tablets: technologies, materials and printed tablets

Buccal route for fast multimodal analgesia for the treatment of moderate-to-severe acute pain: feasibility and enhancement strategies

A modelagem matemática no estudo da cinética de degradação de polímeros biodegradáveis

Encapsulamento de Óleos essenciais em matriz biopolimÉrica a base de pcl/gelatina: fundamentos e aplicaÇÕes

Kinetics of drug release via nicardipine hydrochloride-loaded carboxymethyl cellulose/poly(d,l-lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanocarriers using a contemporary emulsion process

Ameliorating quercetin constraints in cancer therapy with ph-responsive agarose-polyvinylpyrrolidone -hydroxyapatite nanocomposite encapsulated in double nanoemulsion

Parameters effecting the crystalinity of poly (vinyl alcohol) prepared at different reaction conditions

Evaluation of an antifungal luliconazole gel formulation using semi-automatic diffusion cell apparatus and application of mathematical models in drug release kinetics

Chemical and physical chitosan modification for designing enzymatic industrial biocatalysts: how to choose the best strategy?

The effect of ozone treatment on the physicochemical properties and biocompatibility of electrospun poly(?)caprolactone scaffolds
