ISSN: 2375-446X
Abdelfattah Nour
Professor, Department Basic Medical Sciences
Purdue University, USA
Abdelfattah Nour, DVM, MS, PhD (Cornell University , USA), is Professor of Basic Medical Sciences at the Department of Basic Medical Sciences and Founding Director of International Programs In Veterinary Medicine (1994-May 1, 2009) at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. He has 24 years of experience in Interactive learning and e-learning and, and 24years teaching medical physiology to veterinary medical students, graduate (MS and PhD) students, and undergraduate students. In addition to his research in interactivelearning.
Professor Nour has been using innovative and creative teaching approaches (concept mapping, problem-based learning (PBL), team-based learning (TBL), peer instruction, integration and application, internet-broadcasted lectures, web-based instruction, etc.) that helped undergraduate, Professional DVM students and MSC and PhD graduate students learn
physiology. He was an early adopter of new approaches to teaching, including development of interactive multimedia computer-based materials, contributing to PBL cases, and pioneering adoption of TBL. He is one of the pioneers in the Department and the school at large to adapt TBL to teaching medical physiology. He developed a Clinical physiology Course for Veterinary Technology students to provide the physiological basis for clinical functions and medical interventions of the animal Professor Nour is adjunct professor at the Faculty of Nursing, Benda University, Egypt. He has served on the curriculum committee, Integration of Basic Medical Sciences committee, and is a member of the Curriculum Integration working group for the School of Veterinary Medicine. He was a Fulbright Scholar (2004-2005).
Interactive and e-learning; food security in poor households; physiological biomarkers; growth and development.