ISSN: 2165- 7866
+44 1300 500008
Adam Krzyzak
Professor, Department of Computer Science
Concordia University, Canada
Adam Krzyzak received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering from the Technical University of Wroc law, Poland, in 1977 and 1980, respectively, and D.Sc. degree (habilitation) in computer engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland in 1998. In 2003 he received the Title of Professor from the President of the Republic of Poland. Since 1983, he has been with the Department of Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, where he is currently a Professor. In 1983, he held International Scientic Exchange Award in the School of Computer Science, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, in 1991, Vineberg Memorial Fellowship at Technion{Israel Institute of Technology and, in 1992, Humboldt Research Fellowship at the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany. He visited the University of California Irvine, Information Systems Laboratory at Stanford University, Riken Frontiers Research Laboratory, Japan, Stuttgart University, Technical University of Berlin, University of Saarlandes and Technical University Darmstadt. He published over 200 papers on neural networks, pattern recognition, image processing, computer vision, control and nonparametric estimation. He has been an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and is presently a member of the editorial board of Pattern Recogni- tion Journal, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and Journal of Neural, Parallel and Scientic Computations. He was co-editor of the book Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Singapore: World Scientic, 1989) and is co-author of the book A Distribution-Free Theory of Nonparametric Regression, Springer-Verlag, 2002. He has served among others on on the program committees of Vision Interface Conference, International Conference on Document Processing and Applications, and International Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing and International Conference on Pattern Recognition. He coorganized a workshop at NIPS 94 Conference and was a session organizer at The World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts in 2000, 2004 and 2008. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.
• Neural Networks • Signal and Image Processing • Nonparametric Statistics • Machine Learning