ISSN: 2168-9458
Alan E H Speight
Professor, School of Business and Economics
Swansea University, UK
Prof. Alan E. H. Speight has received his PhD in Economics from Queen Mary University of London in 1988, he is working as Professor in School of Business and Economics at Swansea University. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities as, Member of: Senior Management Team; Council; Management Board; Nominations; Senate; Court. Chair of University Committees for: Learning and Teaching; Recruitment & Admissions; Academic Appeals; Academic Board; Student Affairs; Scholarships & Bursaries; Matriculation; Academic Staffing sub-Committee; Appointments; Collaborative Provision; Progression and Classification Regulations; Assessment System; Academic Year; Examination Scheduling; Unfair Practice;Appointments to HEFCW Student Experience and Teaching Quality Committee, HEW PVC Learning and Teaching Group, HEA Welsh Institutional Group; QAA Institutional Reviewer for Wales. He is serving as an editorial member of several reputed journals like International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives; Journal of Stock and Derivatives Trading. He has Authored research articles and books in the area of finance and economics.
Much of my recent research involves the use of high frequency data to inform the analysis, modelling and forecasting of financial market volatility. In particular, analysis of the relationship between the financial sector, and foreign exchange markets especially, and broader macroeconomic indicators. Other research interests have focused on the related analysis and modelling of business cycle dynamics and house price dynamics. A common theme running through these interests has been the application of nonlinear time series methods in the investigation of economic and financial market relationships and phenomena.