Journal of Molecular Pathology and Biochemistry

Journal of Molecular Pathology and Biochemistry
Open Access


Ana Isabel Rocha Faustino

Ana Isabel Rocha Faustino

Ana Isabel Rocha Faustino
Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies, Portugal


European PhD in Veterinary Sciences at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal. 1st February to 31st May 2016 - Externship in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Ghent University between 1st February and 31st May 2016. During this period accompanied the small animals practice with special emphasis in the Imaging service (ultrasound, x-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance and scintigraphy). September 2012 - Master in Veterinary Medicine, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal.

Research Interest

Collaboration in the project PTDC/DES/114122/2009; “Biochemical, morphological and functional evaluation of breast cancer-induced muscle wasting: the role of exercise training” Responsible researcher Professor Rita Ferreira (University of Aveiro) (147000€).
