Angelo ITRI dds
Department of Restaurative Dentistry
Genoa University, Italy
Education and experience Diploma in Dental technician at Casanova Institute Napoli (IT) (2001) Graduated at Genoa University (2009) Past-President Aiso (Italian students of Dentistry Association) division of Genoa from 2005 to 2009 National Contest of Dental Technicians students, Mil an (IT) 2000 Lecturer and tutor at Advanced course about Oral Surgery and Implantology at Genoa University 2009 Young Lecturer at Symposium ICOI-SENAME; Lebanon 2010 Winner of Sergio Duillo research contest, Genoa 2010 Young lecturer Hammameth-Tunisia in SENAME INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS sept 2014 Tutor at essentials Piezosurgery courses of international piezosurgery academy Opinion Leader Septodont (FR) abo ut Vital Pulp Therapy materials and techniques Opinion Leader IDS (international dental supply) (IT) about bleaching procedures, endodontic posts, Air abrasion devices Autor and co-autor of international and national articles about oral surgery, implantology and dental materials Co-rapporteur at Bioengineering at Genoa University 2012 Adjunct Professor at Genoa University – Department of Restaurative Dentistry Member of: APOR (Periodontology Association), IPA (International Piezosurgery Academy