ISSN: 2167-0269
+44 1300 500008
Atul Sheel
Associate Professor, Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Isenberg School of Management
University of Massachusetts, USA
Atul Sheel is Graduate Program Director & an Associate Professor of Finance in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts. He has a Ph.D. in Business Administration (Finance) from the University of Massachusetts. Atul has several years of quality executive experience in the hospitality industry. He has published several refereed papers in national and international refereed journals including the Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, and Hospitality Research Journal. He is the editor of the Journal of Hospitality Financial Management and serves on the editorial review board of several important refereed journals including the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, the Journal of Food Service Business Research, and the UNLV Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Science.
Hospitality/tourism finance and financial economics
Corporate finance
Investments and Revenue management