Journal of Defense Management

Journal of Defense Management
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0374

Barry Scott Zellen


Barry S. Zellen is a specialist on arctic security and circumpolar politics, with a keen interest in international relations theory and strategic studies. He lived in the Arctic region from 1988 until 2000, where he worked in the field of indigenous language preservation, managing several indigenous-language media organizations sponsored by the Northern Native Broadcast Access Program (NNBAP), in  the Government of Canada’s Department of Canadian Heritage. During his time in the Far North, Zellen served as General Manager of Northern Native Broadcasting, Yukon (NNBY); Executive Director of the Native Communications Society of the NWT (NCS-NWT); and Managing Editor of the Inuvialuit newspaper, Tusaayaksat, published by the Inuvialuit Communications Society (ICS). Zellen also published Cabin Fever, a regional newspaper serving the villages of the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, from 1998-2000, and from 2000-08, he published the pan-northern news portal,

Research Interest

Arctic security; Tribal sovereignty; Geopolitics of climate change; Nuclear weapons strategy; Guerrilla warfare and terrorism; Philosophy of war; IR and strategic theory.

