Immunotherapy: Open Access

Immunotherapy: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2471-9552

Basavaraj Binjawadagi

Basavaraj Binjawadagi

Basavaraj Binjawadagi
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Veterinary Biosciences
The Ohio State University, USA


Dr. Basavaraj Binjawadagi obtained his degree in veterinary medicine (BVSc & AH) (2000) from the university of agricultural sciences (UAS), Dharwad, and MVSc in veterinary microbiology (2007) from Karnataka veterinary, animal and fisheries sciences university (KVAFSU), Bidar, India. He gained eight years of professional experience in poultry health consultancy and government veterinary/animal husbandry service. Further, he pursued MS (2012) and PhD (2015) in comparative and veterinary medicine (CVM) from the Ohio state university (OSU), Wooster, OH, under the supervision of Dr. Renukaradhya Gourapura. During his graduate studies, he worked on development of novel, biodegradable PLGA nanoparticle based mucosal inactivated vaccine and virus like particles (VLPs) vaccine against an economically important swine viral disease, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. Presently he is working as postdoctoral researcher at the department of veterinary biosciences, OSU, Columbus, OH, under the supervision of Dr. Stefan Niewiesk, focusing on maternal immunization, and maternal antibodies interference to immunizations and novel anti-viral vaccine development with special focus on respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Research Interest

Development of maternal immunization strategies to prevent viral diseases in children below one year
Understanding the role of maternally derived antibodies in neonatal immunity and interference to immunization  
Development of novel mucosal vaccines and vaccination strategies against RSV and other viral diseases
Mucosal adjuvants screening for mucosal anti-viral vaccines
PLGA nanoparticle entrapped vaccines for anti-viral vaccines
VLPs technology based vaccines against viral diseases
