Drug Designing: Open Access

Drug Designing: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2169-0138

Calvin Yu-Chian Chen

Calvin Yu-Chian Chen

Calvin Yu-Chian Chen
Computational and Systems biology
University of Massachusetts, USA


Dr. Calvin Yu-Chian Chen is an associate professor of the School of Chinese Medicine at China Medical University and an adjunct professor of the Department of Bioinformatics at Asia University. Dr. Chen’s current research projects focus on computer-aided drug design, signal pathway prediction, computational biology, and nano-particle. In the past, Dr. Chen’s Lab aimed on interdisciplinary issues, such as bioinformatics, system biology, chemoinformatics, and Pharmainformatics, in which he investigated biological problems by means of mathematic, physical, chemical, and computational methods. Now Dr. Chen’s research focus has extended to issues regarding cancer, H1N1, scientific traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The approaches include High Throughput Screening, Computational Chemistry, Combinatorial Chemistry, ADMET Informatics, Cheminformatics, Metabolic Modeling, and Bioinformatics tool kits. Dr. Chen had received the Young Scholar Award from the Biochemical Engineering Foundation Society in 2007 from Korea and the Best Teaching Award in 2004.  From 2003, we start to build the TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) database. Now the website is the worlds largest TCM database which allow user to free download the components from the website.
Currently   Dr. Chen is a scientist of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, Department of Computational and System Biology) and Harvard University (Systems Biology) USA.

Research Interest

Dr. Chens laboratory focuses on interdisciplinary issues, such as bioinformatics, systems biology, chemoinformatics, and pharmainformatics, and investigates biological problems by means of mathematic, physical, chemical, and computational methods. He completed his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 2001 and postdoctoral training at Sinica and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, program of Computational and Systems Biology).
