ISSN: 2572-3103
+44 1300 500008
Dr. Javier Alcantara Carrio
Associate Professor, Dept. of Physical, Chemical and Geological Oceanography, Oceanographic Institute.
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Prof/Dr. Javier Alcantara Carrio has received his Ph.D. in Marine Geology in the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (1999). He was lecturer at the Dept. of Marine Geosciences of the University of Vigo (1998-2002), lecturer at the Dept. of Civil Engineer of the University Alfonso X el Sabio (2002-2004), and associate professor in the Dept. of Basic Sciences and Oceanography of the Catholic University of Valencia (2004-2014). Currently, he is an associate professor of the Dept. of Physical, Chemical and Geological Oceanography of the Oceanographic Institute, University of Sao Paulo. He has supervised two Ph.D. theses and ten master theses. He has successfully completed his administrative responsibilities as Secretary of the School of Sciences of the Catholic University of Valencia (2004-2014) and as Coordinator of the Latin-American Network in Remote Sensing Applied to Coastal Hazards (2007-2010) promoted by the Latin-American Program of Science and Technology for the Development. He has participated in more than 50 research projects in Spain (Canary Islands, Galicia Rias, Cantabrian Sea and Western Mediterranean), Cuba, Colombia (San Andres Island, Caribbean and Pacific continental coast) and Brazil, among other regions. Based on his thesis research he received the Viera y Clavijo Foundation award (1999). He is serving as an editorial member of several reputed journals like Oceanography Open Access (OMIC) and Journal of Coastal Research (CSF) & expert reviewer for journals like GeoMarine Letters, Geomorphology, Journal of Marine Systems, Journal of Environment and Natural Resources Research, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Geologica Acta, Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assesment, Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, etc. He has authored 70 research articles/books and he has been also editor of some special issues of SCI journals and books.
Coastal Upwelling, Coastal sedimentary processes Coastal Erosion Natural Hazards Geomophological evolution of the littoral and the continental shelf Climate variability in the Quaternary, Climate Change and Global Change