ISSN: 2574-0407
F Xavier Abad Morejon de Giron
Director, IRTA-CReSA Biocontainment Unit and BSL2 Laboratories and IRTA-CReSA,
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
His main research interest are persistence of animal and human viruses in the environment, with particular attention to water, fomites and foods, and the inactivation and removal procedures for assuring the viral safety of blood derivatives, cosmetics and foods, and, also, biocontainment and biosafety issues in microbiological research laboratories, among others. He has written more than 30 papers in international journals and 6 book chapters. The spreading of his work has been, also, achieved through more than 50 oral or poster communications, mainly, in international congresses or symposia. In the last seven years he has became the person in charge on biosafety management in Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA), managing 500 m2 BSL3 laboratory areas (in a whole Biocontainment Unit constituted of three floors of 1500 m2 each one), and from 18 months ago, he also took the management of CReSA BSL2 laboratories.
Biocontainment and biosafety issues in microbiological research laboratories
Persistence of animal and human viruses in the environment
The inactivation and removal procedures for assuring the viral safety of blood derivatives