Giuseppina Lagan
The Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
1996 Graduated cum laude in Dentistry, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" 2000 Postgraduated cum laude in Orthodontics, University of Rome “Sapienza” 2017 PhD XXIX cycle Materials for Health, Environment and Energy (Materials in Dentistry), University of Rome “Tor Vergata” ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2001-2017 Research Fellow in Paediatric Dentistry, University of Rome “Sapienza” 2003-2017 Coordinator of Master in Orthodontics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” 2010-2013 Assistant Professor, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - Papers: n. 51 - Oral presentations: several at national and international congresses n. 31 - Posters: n. 44 - Coauthor of n. 2 books SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY 1998-2017 Active Member Italian Society of Orthodontics
malocclusions in growing subjects . early treatment of dento-skeletal malocclusions . epidemiology studies of oral conditions in Italian and Albanian population . breathing disorders and malocclusions . dental anomalies