Journal of Tourism & Hospitality

Journal of Tourism & Hospitality
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0269

+44 1300 500008

Hung-Che Wu

Hung-Che Wu

Hung-Che Wu
Associate Professor, Business School
Nanfang College of Sun Yat-sen University, P.R. China


Hung-Che Wu is an associate professor at Business School in Nanfang College of Sun Yat-sen University, China. In 2010, he earned his Ph.D. in hospitality and tourism marketingat Lincoln University of New Zealand in 2010. In 2002, he earned his MS.c in hospitality and tourism management at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA. In 2001, he earned his B.A. in Travel and Tourism at Western Michigan University, USA. Within these years, Dr. Wu has published his papers in Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Industrial Management & Data System, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Innovative Marketing, Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Tourism & Hospitality Journal, Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Event Management: An International Journal, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, International Journal of Tourism Research, International Journal of Tourism Sciences, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Administration, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Journal of China Tourism Research, Tourism and Hospitality Research, and Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, among others. He is currently working as one of the editorial board members for the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, International Journal of Business and Management, International Journal of Marketing Studies,Science Journal of Business and Management, and Business and Management Studies.

Research Interest

Hospitality and tourism marketing,
Service quality
Experiential quality
Consumer behavior
Green marketing
