ISSN: 2165- 7866
+44 1300 500008
Ibrahiem M M El Emary
Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology Deanship
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Ibrahim M. M. El Emary received the Dr. Eng. Degree in 1998 from the Electronic and Communication Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain shams University, Egypt. From 1998 to 2002, he was an Assistant Professor of Computer sciences in different faculties and academic institutionss in Egypt. From 2002 to 2010, he worked as visiting Assis. And Assoc.professor of computer science and engineering in two universities in Jordan. Currently, he is a Professor of computer science and engineering at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His research interests cover: various analytic and discrete event simulation techniques, performance evaluation of communication networks, application of intelligent techniques in managing computer communication network, and performing a comparative studies between various policies and strategies of routing, congestion control, subnetting of computer communication networks. He published more than 150 articles in various refreed international journals and conferences covering: Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligent, Expert Systems, Software Agents, Information Retrieval, E-learning, Case Based Reasoning, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Wireless sensor networks, cloud computing and Robotic engineering. Also, he participates in publishing seven book chapters in three international books (Published by Springer Verlag, IGI publisher & NOVA Science Publisher) as well as Editor of two books edited by international publishers (LAP Lampert- Germany).
Mainly, I’m engaged in analyzing and studying various approaches that are used in optimizing the performance of LANs which use CSMA protocols specially in view point of: routing, addressing, sub netting, congestion control and flow control, Error control and recovery. In addition to this, I search in a new trend covers the application of AI and expert systems in managing the various computer communication networks as: real time communication networks, High speed local networks, and integrated service digital networks. Currently, I work depthly in evaluating the performance of ATM and frame relay network.. During the period 1999 to 2011, I published more than 130 papers in International Journals and Conferences in: USA, Canada, Germany, Greece, United Kingdom, Austria, Serbia, Romania, Hong Kong, North Korea, China, Nigeria, India, Singapore, Pakistan, Czeck Republic, Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt.