Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Iva Dekaris

Iva Dekaris

Iva Dekaris
Medical Director of Svjetlost Hospital University Eye Hospital Svjetlost, Croatia


Iva Dekaris, Associate professor of the University of Rijeka-School of Medicine (2009), is a  Medical Director at University Eye Hospital “Svjetlost” in Zagreb (Croatia, Europe), and President of the European Eye Bank Association (EEBA; 2010-2013). She became Associate-member of Croatian Academy of Science and Arts in 2006. She defended her PhD: „The role of cytokines in corneal graft rejection“ in 1999, at School of Medicine in Zagreb. She finished 2 postgraduate studies (Biomedicine at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb in 1993, and Ophthalmology at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, in 1999). In 2003 she was elected to Assistant Professor and in 2009 to Associate Professor at School of Medicine of the University in Rijeka (Croatia). She was trained abroad (Austria, Germany, France, Netherlands), longest from 1997 to 1998 when she finished Research fellowship in Cornea and practical part of her PhD at Harvard Medical School.  She published 42 papers in CC journals, 10 in other indexed journals, 10 in non-indexed journals, 1 book, 22 chapters in the book and 238 abstracts at conferences, published citations 276: Scopus Index. She is a lecturer at postgraduate School at Universities of Rijeka and Zagreb-School of Medicine and a reviewer for IOVS, Acta Ophthalmologica, Eye, Molecular Vision, Collegium Antropologicum, Acta Neurologica, OMICS Publishing Group and BioMed Central.

Research Interest

Her main research interests are corneal transplantation, cataract and refractive surgery, and  basic, and clinical medicine integration in the field of corneal transplantation and anterior eye segment surgery.
