ISSN: 2332-0737
Jean-Francois Bodart
Lille University of Science and Technology, France
Pr Bodart completed his doctorate in cell biology on the role of protein-kinases and protein-phosphatases in metaphase II block in Xenopus oocytes at the University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, France, in 2000. After his postdoctorate fellowship with Dr N. Duesbery at the Laboratory of Developmental Cell Biology, Van Andel Research Institute, USA, he soon joined the University of Lille 1 as senior lecturer, and was appointed professor in 2008. He published more than 40 articles and chapters in Cell and Developmental Biology, Biophysics and Multidisciplinary Sciences (hindex=12). From 2009 to 2014, he headed the laboratory of division signal regulation; he aims at developing multidisciplinary and integrative approaches of cell cycle regulation, focusing on the Erk pathways. Starting 2015, his laboratory joined the UMR 8576 CNRS as a team. As an active member of Committee on Ethics for Animal Experimental Procedures, he deals ethical issues and leads a politic of development of the use of lower vertebrate models. Member of the editorial board of Journal of Cell Biochemistry, Journal of Biological Medicine and MAP kinase, he is also reviewer for several publications.
Research interests include Cell cycle and division, Signal transduction, Cell signaling and cellular interactions, Biochemistry of signal transduction, Cancer and its biological basis, Biological systems analysis, modeling and simulation, MAPK, Xenopus, Oocyte, Meiosis