International Journal of Biomedical Data Mining

International Journal of Biomedical Data Mining
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4924

Joao Gama

Joao Gama

Joao Gama
Associate Professor, Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support
University of Porto, Portugal


Joao Gama is a researcher at LIAAD-INESC Porto LA, the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support of the University of Porto.
His main research interest is Learning from Data Streams. He has published several articles in change detection, learning decision trees from data streams, hierarchical clustering from streams, etc. Editor of special issues on Data Streams in Intelligent Data Analysis, J. Universal Computer Science, and New Generation Computing. He is Co-chair of ECML 2005 Porto, Portugal 2005, and of a series of Workshops on Knowledge Discovery in Data Streams, ECML 2004, Pisa, Italy, ECML 2005, Porto, Portugal, ICML 2006, Pittsburg, US, ECML 2006 Berlin, Germany, SAC2007, Korea, and the ACM Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data to be held in conjunction with ACM SIGKDD 2007. Together with M. Gaber edited the book Learning from Data Streams-Processing Techniques in Sensor Networks, published by Springer.

Research Interest

Machine Learning, Learning from Data Streams, Ensembles of Classifiers, Constructive Induction, Probabilistic Reasoning
