Jong Young Kwak
Professor, Department of Pharmacology
Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea
Dr. Kwak is appointed Professor at Department of Pharmacology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea from 2015. He is currently the Director of Immune-network Pioneer Research Center, which is sponsored as one of the Pioneer Research Center Program by the Korean ministry of Science ICT & Future Planning. He is elected as Doctor Honoris Causa in Russian Academy of Science in 2012 and editorial boards in World J Exp Med and Advances in Modern Oncology Research. He contributed to editing special issue of Journal of Immunological Research 2014 entitled “Pathophysiological roles of cytokine-chemokine immune network” and is going to edit annual special issue. He has over 150 scientific papers and conducted over 10 invited presentations in international symposiums. He completed his doctorate in Medical Biochemistry with neutrophil activation and signal transduction pathways at the Pusan National University, Korea in 1991. After his study of phospholipase D activation of neutrophils in Emory University as a post doctorate, he joined the Department of Biochemistry at Dong-A University in 1997, where he directed his research to dendritic cell analysis.
Dendritic cell, regulation Immunogenic response of cancer cells, Chemokine network between dendritic cells and damaged cells, 3D culture of immune cells