Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access

Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0501


Leonard Amaral

Leonard Amaral

Leonard Amaral
Institute of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine


Leonard Amaral, M.D., PhD, Emeritus Professor, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Distinguished Invited Scientist Fellow of the Fundacao de Ciencias e Tecnologia de Portugal.
Areas of current main contributions:
Development of therapy by which the resistance of MDR/XDR Mtb is by-passed and the non-killing macrophage is transformed into a killer of MDR/XDR Mtb.
Therapy of MDR/XDR TB with an inexpensive drug that is beyond patent protection, has no serious toxicity and has been now shown to cure XDR TB.
Development of new methods for the characterisation, evaluation and assessment of efflux pumps that render bacteria and cancer cells resistant to therapy.
Demonstration of biophysical/biochem mechanisms by which efflux pumps render bacteria multi-drug resistant.
Development of new theories for therapy of cancer based upon the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Publication Record; over 200 scientific articles in Peer Review International Journals
Publications in Bacteriology, Immunology, Hematology, Clinical Pathology, Chemical Pathology, Endocrinology, Cancer, Human Embryology, Methods for Clinical Laboratories
Research Activity:
Development of drugs that are active (kill) against intracellular MDRTB and XDRTB.
Development of methods that assess and evaluate efflux pump activity of MDR bacteria.
Mechanisms by which efflux pumps are genetically controlled and regulated.
Development of agents that inhibit and or regulate efflux pumps.
Control of permeability of MDR bacteria to antibiotics.
Development of drugs that inhibit ABC transporters of mdr cancer cells.
Collaboration with 38 European Scientists from 33 countries via the Cost Action Programmes of the Eur Comm/Eur Sci FND-Cost Action B16 and BM0701 (ATENS).
Research supported by the Foundation of Science and Technology of Portugal
Workshops supported by the European Science Foundation
Interactive and cooperative projects supported by treaties between Portugal and participating EU countries
Leader in clinical trials for therapy of MDR/XDR TB infections.

Research Interest

Development of drugs that are active (kill) against intracellular MDRTB and XDRTB.
Development of methods that assess and evaluate efflux pump activity of MDR bacteria.
Mechanisms by which efflux pumps are genetically controlled and regulated.
Development of agents that inhibit and or regulate efflux pumps.
Control of permeability of MDR bacteria to antibiotics.
Development of drugs that inhibit ABC transporters of mdr cancer cells.
