ISSN: 2381-8719
+44 1478 350008
Maurizio Barbieri
Associate Professor, Environmental Geochemistry
Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Italy
I have a Bacherlor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in Geological Sciences at the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) with a specialization in Environmental Geochemistry and Natural Resources Management and a PhD in Earth Sciences, at the same University, on the use environmental tracers (natural compounds or isotopes) to identify mechanisms and quantify timescales of environmental processes. For more than 15 years I have been working as a researcher and from 2005 as Associate Professor and scientific coordinator on projects, dealing with environmental geochemistry. Scientific coordinator (2000) of the research between the CNR (National Research Council) and National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology Section of Rome, for the measurement and interpretation of isotope ratios in water samples from the fields of Weyburn oil wells (Southern Saskatchewan, Canada), within the project EC WEYBURN. Scientific coordinator (2003) of the research between the CNR (National Research Council) and National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology Section of Rome, for the measurement and interpretation of isotope ratios in water samples from the seismic Aigion (Greece, Strait of Corinth), under the Agreement EC 3F-Corinth No ENK6-CT-2000-00056 in which the INGV-Rome (Dr. F. Quattrocchi) scientific partner repsonsabile for the task WP7 - Geochemical transients, fluid geochemistry. Since July 2009 I am part, as an expert, of the working group established within the III Section of the National Health Council for the examination of hydrogeochemistry and hydrogeological aspects related to the recognition of natural mineral waters. Since September 2009, I have been part of the Academic Board of the PhD in Earth Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome; Since November 2009 I am a member of the Sapienza Administrative Board; Scientific coordinator for geochemical characterization of soils and waters in different landfill in Central Italy; Scientific Research: Model of Lake Vico, with particular regard to environmental arsenic. Client: Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Lazio. October 2012. Scientific coordinator for the Water Unit of the National Project (2010-2011): Ecological restoration plan for Palo Laziale Wood, Italy. funded by the Nando Peretti Foundation; Scientific coordinator for the Water Unit of the International project (2012-2014): Institutional Support to the management of Protected Areas in Albania funding from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Scientific Unit for Water Project International (2008 -2010): Sustainable Development and Biodiversity Conservation for the People of Socotra Island (Yemen) eligible for funding by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Analytical Geochemistry Laboratories Manager from 2001. The Sapienza Analytical Geochemistry Laboratories provide high quality analytical expertise and specialist services for the production and geochemical interpretation of inorganic data for many projects, and for commercial and public sector clients around the world. Project areas benefiting from input by laboratory staff are wide ranging and include: geochemical surveys, water resources, contaminated land, natural hazards, mineral exploration, waste disposal, environment and health, climate change. Clients and collaborators include major mining companies, government departments, universities, local authorities, public utilities, power generators. The analytical capability provides extensive datasets on a wide range of geological and environmental samples, including rocks, soils, sediments, vegetation, waters, biological. Full suite analysis of water samples is provided for a range of major and trace cations and anions as well as other chemo-physical parameters. The ICP Facility provides high quality major and trace element information on geological, environmental and biological systems, using ICP-MS methodologies. The ICP Facility has the capability to analyse a wide range of sample types including: surface and groundwaters, landfill leachates, rocks, soils, stream and marine sediments, coal, fly ash, vegetation, cement, shells and corals, filter media, hair, fingernails, and many more challenging sample matrices.
Application of the geochemistry methodologies in the characterization of environmental problems. In particular I studied the distribution of elements and isotopes in the Earth systems with emphasis on the use abundances and isotopic ratios in defining the interaction between different reservoirs (mantle, crust, atmosphere ad hydrosphere). I have also related interests in environmental geochemistry and Health. In particular I study the role of toxic trace elements (e.g. As, B and Hg), deriving from hydrogeochemical anomalies of natural origin, on water quality.
Key qualifications: Geochemistry, Environment-related research: waste disposal, health, Natural resources management: Environmental geochemistry for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.