ISSN: 2155-9899
Peter Burbelo
National Institutes of Health, USA
Peter D Burbelo is a Staff Scientist in the Laboratory of Sensory Biology National Institute of Dental Research NIH. He received a PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology from the University of RI in 1986. He previously held joint appointments as Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Oncology at Georgetown University Medical Center from 1996-2006. He is an editor for the American Journal of Translational Research and an ad hoc reviewer for over 25 other scientific journals. Currently he has published over 80 peerreviewed journal articles. Most recently he has developed and applied the LIPS antibody profiling technology for disease detection monitoring and understanding molecular pathophysiological mechanisms.
Humoral responses in autoimmune disease
Antibody profiling of infection and for vaccine development
Disease biomarkers
Applied and translational research