ISSN: 2167-0374
Rabiul Ahasan, Postdoc
Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering
King Saudi University, Saudi Arabia
Professor Dr. Rabiul Ahasan is currently teaching and conducting research in the area of workplace safety, human factors engineering and ergonomics in design. In the past few years, he served roughly on twenty conferences and workshop program committees. As a docent, he is affiliated with Oulu University in Finland. He is also working as an adjunct professor at American International University in Bangladesh. Dr. Ahasan has presented research papers and published numerous scientific articles, and achieved more than twenty grants for his career research. As an editor of this journal, Dr. Ahasan is inviting individuals for submitting case studies, scientific arguments, original research manuscripts, editorials, and commentaries. His Scopus ID: 56635790200
Awareness on e-health, Sleep Deprivation and Cognitive Performances, Dirty Dozen, Anthropometry and Mismatch Issues