ISSN: 2167-0374
Robert Buckley
The new school for public engagement
Bob Buckley is a Senior Fellow in the Graduate Program in International Affairs at the New School. Previously he was an Advisor and Managing Director at the Rockefeller Foundation, and Lead Economist at the World Bank. His work at both the Foundation and the Bank focused largely on issues relating to urbanization in developing countries. He is particularly interested in the policy issues related to slum formation and approaches to dealing with them. A good part of his past work involved helping to prepare projects and grants related to these concerns. He has worked in more than 50 developing countries and has written widely on urbanization, housing, and development issues in the popular press such as The Financial Times, The New York Times and The Washington Post, and in academic journals such as The Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Nature, The Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, and Economic Development and Cultural Change. His most recent book, Urbanization and Economic Growth, was co-edited with Michael Spence and Patricia Annez. He has also taught at a number of other universities -- Syracuse, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Pennsylvania - and served as the Chief Economist of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Finally, he has also been a Fulbright Scholar, awarded a Regents Fellowship at the University of California, and been supported by the Marshall Fund, the Gates Foundation, and the National Science Foundation.
International Affairs