Immunogenetics: Open Access

Immunogenetics: Open Access
Open Access

Roberta Carvalho Basile

Roberta  Carvalho  Basile

Roberta Carvalho Basile
Sao Paulo State University, Brazil


Roberta Carvalho Basile is a Professor of Large Animals Clinics and Surgery at Camilo Castel o Branco University , Sao Paulo, Brazil. Bachelor’s at Veterinary Medicine from Univ. Estadual Paulista, concluding PhD’s at the same institution w ith a study of borreliosis in horses. Specialist in acupuncture, equine clinics and surgery from Jaguariuna University . Bachelor’s at Civil Engineering form Sao Paulo University and Master’s in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics from Instituto Tecnológ ico de Aeronáutica. Has experience in Equine Medicine, fo cusing on Equine Infectology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, acting on the following subjects: borreliosis, inflammation, antibiotics and thermog

Research Interest

Her Research Interests are Immunology, Clinical Research
