Drug Designing: Open Access

Drug Designing: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2169-0138

Ruhong Zhou

Ruhong Zhou

Ruhong Zhou
Computational Biology, Yorktown Heights, IBM Thomas Watson Research Center
New York, USA


Ruhong Zhou is currently a Research Staff Scientist and Manager of Soft Matter Theory and Simulation Group at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, and an Adjunct Professor at Department of Chemistry, Columbia University. He received his Ph.D. with Prof. Bruce Berne in chemistry from Columbia University in 1997. He joined IBM Research in 2000, after spending two and a half years working with Prof. Richard Friesner (Columbia Univ) and Prof. William Jorgensen (Yale Univ) on polarizable force fields when he was at Schrodinger. He has authored and co-authored 102 journal publications and 14 patents, delivered 120+ invited talks at major conferences and universities worldwide, and chaired and co-chaired several conferences in computational biology, computational chemistry and biophysics fields. He is part of the IBM BlueGene team who won the 2009 National Medal on Technology and Innovation. He has won the IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (the highest technical award within IBM) in 2008 and 2005, IBM Research Division Award in 2005, Columbia University Hammett Award in 1997 (for best graduates), and American Chemical Society DEC Award on computational chemistry in 1995. He was elected to AAAS Fellow (American Association of Advancement of Science) and APS Fellow (American Physical Society) in 2011.

Research Interest

HIs research interest is on Polarizable Force Fields and Computational Chemistry. 
