ISSN: 2376-0419
+44 1300 500008
Sabah H. Akrawi
Associate Professor
University of Kentucky, USA
Dr. Sabah Akrawi, M-Pharm. & PhD, graduated from the College of Pharmacy / University of Kentucky/USA. He is an assoc. Prof. of Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics, and a faculty member at the College of Clinical Pharmacy/King Faisal University/KSA. He supervised 17 postgraduate pharmacy students, and he has published more than 24 articles. He is a member of the scientific council of the KFU and chaired many defense committees for graduation of graduate students.
Research activities included the determination and evaluation of drug concentration to detect its relationship of the pharmacokinetic parameters to the therapeutic effects and pharmaceutical dosage form. Moreover, performed and validated drug analytical method.
For instance; the evaluation and interpretation of the pharmacokinetic parameters of drugs (AUC, Clearance, T1/2, Ke, Km, Cmax, Tmax, Vd ...etc.); Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamics relationship. In addition, drugs under investigations required studies to determine their disposition, stereoslective disposition, through renal or metabolic route of elimination, additionally, its absorption and distribution in various body tissues. Effect of Drug–Drug and Drug–Food interaction on the disposition and its effect on pharmacokinetic parameters; bioavailability and bioequivalence studies include three parts the clinical, analytical and data statistical analysis; using micro sampling technique and the chronic intra hepatic infusion of drugs in unrestrained animals to predict the drug disposition and concentration profile.