Hair Therapy & Transplantation

Hair Therapy & Transplantation
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0951


Sam Shuster

Sam Shuster

Sam Shuster
Emeritus Professor of Dermatology
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK


Senior Lecturer Institute of Dermatology (1962-4); Professor of Dermatology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (1964-92).

Past member and chairman of boards and councils of many learned societies and government committees, including MRC, DHSS, RCP  Founder and past President of ESDR, BSID UK and BSC, hon member of many international societies. Archibald Gray, Parkes-Weber and other medals.

Frequent lecturer including named lectures; radio and television broadcasting, and writing for the lay press; textbooks on dermatology and skin pharmacology and many book chapters; over 500 peer-refereed papers including Lancet, BM.J, Nature, and dermatology journals, and with a top citation.

He continues to publish on medical research, and other matters in the medical and lay press.

Research Interest

Skin physiology, disease and treatment, with many discoveries e.g. the coeliac syndrome of dermatitis herpetiformis, the fungal nature of dandruff and seborrhoic dermatitis, the endocrine control of the sebaceous glands including MSH and its pheromonal role; the widely used measurement of itch as scratch, the systemic effects of skin disease, its effect on self-image; skin collagen with aging and hormones; melanoma; a new mechanism for fingerprint maintenance.
