ISSN: 0975-8798, 0976-156X
Shadi George Moawad
Lecturer, Faculty of Dentistry, Orthodontics Department
Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria
Dr. Shadi George Moawad (DDS, MSc, PhD, Orthodontist) was born in Banyas, Syria. He was graduated from Tishreen University, Faculty of Dentistry - Syria with the degree of DDS and certificate of study superiority, completed his Post-graduate Program in Tishreen University ? Lattakia - Syria and had the master degree for creating a new method in the evaluation of skeletal age in children. Later he received his Ph.D degree in orthodontics and Orthopedics from Hama university- Hama Syria after he created a new employment of Erbium-Yag laser in facilitating and improving of rapid maxillary expansion results in young adult patients. . He carried out a many researches and has many publications in many international journals. He is a lecturer in department of orthodontics ? Tishreen university University, giving lectures in Orthodontics and orthopedics, Embryology, Dental physiology for undergraduate and postgraduate student, and a supervisor of many master thesis.
Orthodontics, Orthopedics, Dental physiology, Dentistry