ISSN: 2161-1025
Sorin Riga
Department of Stress Research & Prophylaxis, Al. Obregia Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry
1965-Chief promotion graduated, “Ion Luca Caragi-ale” National College, Bucharest, RO. 1971-BSc Magna cum Laudae, “Carol Davila” Univer-sity of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, RO. 1974-PhD in Neurobiochemistry-Brain Research; 1982-MD in Psychiatry. 1990-Senior Psychiatrist; 1996-1st degree Senior Research Scientist; 2007-Doctor Honoris Causa, “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, RO; 2010-Professor, “Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest, RO; 2011-Full Member-Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, RO.
Stress medicine & management, anti-stress therapies, neuro-sciences, psychiatry, regenerative medicine and longevity sciences, physical activity, recovery, physiotherapies.