ISSN: 2161-1068
+44 1478 350008
Supriya Pokkali
Division of Pediatrics and Center for Tuberculosis Research
John Hopkins University, USA
Dr. Supriya Pokkali finds her interest in immunology and infectious diseases with special emphasis on Tuberculosis. She successfully qualified the National Entrance Test (NET) conducted by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and joined National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (formerly Tuberculosis Research Center) for her doctoral studies (2004-2009). During her PhD, she predominately worked in clinical immunology lab where she had extensive access to human subjects with pulmonary and extra-pulmonary (TB pleuritis) form of the disease. Thus, she focused on • Role of chemokines and their receptors in inducing immune cell migration to the infection foci (published in various international peer reviewed journals). • Highlighted that IP-10 is a good diagnostic marker for diagnosing extra-pulmonary tuberculosis such as tuberculous pleurisy (published in DMID 2008). Currently, she works at Division of Pediatrics and Center for Tuberculosis Research at Johns Hopkins University. She is extensively involved in development of pre-clinical animal models to understand the molecular basis of human TB pathogenesis: Host-pathogen interactions. Since 2014, she is also a fellow at Center for infection and inflammation imaging (Ci3R) where she is a part of the team involved in developing bacterial specific tracer for easy diagnosis of infection using imaging modalities.
1) Development of pre-clinical animal models to understand the molecular basis of human TB pathogenesis: Host-pathogen interactions
2) Neuro-immunological effect of tryptophan metabolites on Microglial and astrocyte activation during CNS TB pathogenesis.
3) Non-communicable diseases and susceptibility to tuberculosis.
4) Host-directed therapeutics.