Journal of Stock & Forex Trading

Journal of Stock & Forex Trading
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9458

Suren Basov

Suren Basov

Suren Basov
Executive Editor
Associate Professor, Department of Finance
La Trobe University, Australia


Dr. Basov graduated with diploma in Physics from Moscow Institute for Engineering and Physics in 1992, obtained MA in Economics from the New Economic School at Moscow in 1996, and PhD in Economics from Boston University in 2001. He was first visiting scholar and then Lecturer at University of Melbourne 2001-2006 and Senior Lecturer (2006-2010) and Associate Professor (2010-current time) at Latrobe University in Victoria, Australia. His research interests are theory of imperfect information, with emphasis on multidimensional screening models, theory of auctions, and theory of boundedly rational behaviour. He also conducts research in the area of Islamic finance.

Research Interest

Theory of imperfect information
Multidimensional screening models
Theory of auctions
Theory of boundedly rational behaviour
Islamic finance
