ISSN: 2167-1044
Vincent Wai Shing Tse
School of Public Health and Primary Care
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Dr. Vincent Wai Shing Tse earned his undergraduate degree at McMaster University, Canada. He then pursued his doctoral degree at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, United Kingdom to study how interpersonal behavior influenced by depressive mood and antidepressants.
He is currently working at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has centred his research in examining factors promoting and damaging interpersonal relationship and their relationship with depression. Using different experimental paradigms, he investigates how non-verbal behaviors, rumination of negative interpersonal events and nutritional stimulants contribute to regulation of different kinds of social behaviors: cooperative behavior, ingratiation communication, aggressive behavior, negative communication, which will have impact on one′s on-going interpersonal relationship and manifestation of depression. His another interests is to examine how psychotropic drugs (e.g serotonergic antidepressant and atypical antipsychotics) affect social behaviors including cooperative behavior, eye gaze, interpersonal trust. These researches helps us to understand the interpersonal experiences of the patients contributing to the success or failure of drug treatments.
Depression: Interpersonal Theory of Depression, Serotonin theory, Noradrenergic theory, Social Support, Stress, Personality, Structural Equation Modeling, Rejection Sensitivity, Social Cognition, Emotional, Facial Emotion Recognition, Social Behavior, and Cortisol.
Schizophrenia: Facial Emotion, Social Behavior, Atypical Antipsychotic drugs, Trust, Schizotypal Personality, Cognition.