Fungal Genomics & Biology

Fungal Genomics & Biology
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-8056

+44 1223 790975

Vladimir Gouli

Vladimir Gouli

Vladimir Gouli
Department of Plant & Soil Science
The University of Vermont, USA


Dr. Vladimir Gouli has received his Master of science in University of North Ossetia Republic University during the period  of 1956-1961 and Doctor of science in Institute of Biology, Siberian Div., Acad. of Sci., Novosibirsk, Russia. Currently, he is working as Research Assistant Professor in University of Vermont. He has 13 books and monographs in Russian, Romanian, Japanese, Chinese, English, Ukrainian; around 250 articles. Patents of Russia- 16; Provisional Patents of the USA- 3.

Research Interest

Research interests include fundamental and applied aspects of invertebrate pathology and microbial pest control based on entomopathogenic and antagonistic fungi. Current work conducted at the Entomology Research Laboratory (Plant and Soil Science Department, University of Vermont) focuses on the search, isolation, identification, determination of the key biological properties, mass-production, formulation and application of fungi that regulate noxious-insect populations and suppress plant diseases. Special attention is given the small sucking polyvoltine arthropods having the particular importance both as phytophagous and vector of dangerous plant pathogens. All research is aimed at meeting the practical requirements of agriculture and forestry in the USA, and development countries. At the present time, fungi useful for pest control are intensively studied around the world as potential sources of microbial pesticides. This situation is connected with specific peculiarities of the fungi, and the possibility of using this group of microorganisms as natural pesticides for organic agriculture.
