ISSN: 2379-1764
Wael A.M. Ghonimi
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Zagazig University, Egypt
Dr. Wael Ghonimi studied Cytology and histology at the University of Zagazig. He spent his master time at the Institute of Cytology and histology at the University of Zagazig with the research focus "Histological, histochemical, ultrastructure, immunohistochemistry of buffalo bull accessory genital glands ". Moreover, He spent the first half of his doctoral time at the Institute of Cytology and histology at the University of Zagazig and the second half at the Institute of Anatomy and cell biology, Faculty of medicine, Freiburg University, Germany with the research focus "Immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence and molecular biology of the camel heart including (Papillary muscle, Septomarginal trabeculae, Os cordis, Trabeculae carnae, associated blood vessels to the heart with special reference to the extension of the cardiac myocytes to the tunica media of the Aorta, Pulmonary artery, vena cava and pulmonary veins). He joined the project at the Institute of physiology, Faculty of medicine, Freiburg University, Germany with the research focus " The cellular and subcellular localization of neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels in mammalian cortex using advanced high resolution immunocytochemical techniques and electron microscopy.)”, and shared another project dealing with pre-embedding immunogold labeling techniques.
Immuno localization of Anti alpha-actinin, Anti alpha actin, Anti MF20, Anti alpha MHC, Anti IB4 and Neu N in the camel heart cardiomyocytes and myoendocrine cells. Immuno localization of active material in male reproductive organs and male accessory genital glands. Localization of monoclonal anti-alpha actin in the myoid cell in the camel testis and the myoepithelial cells of the bull seminal gland. Immunohistochemical of the sheep and camel salivary glands. Stem cell therapy for the heart Structural functional correlation for the cardiac myocytes using electron microscopy and PCR.