Current Synthetic and Systems Biology

Current Synthetic and Systems Biology
Open Access

ISSN: 2332-0737


Yeoheung Yun

Yeoheung Yun

Yeoheung Yun
Executive Editor
Associate Professor, Chemical and Bioengineering Department
North Carolina A & T State University, USA


Dr. Yun earned a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Cincinnati at 2003 and completed Post-Doc, Research Associate, and Research Professor Position at University of Cincinnati. He was also working at the College of Medicine at University of Cincinnati for years. Then he has recently relocated to North Carolina A & T State University as Associate Professor in Bioengineering Department. His expertise is medical devices, synthetic biology, as well as electrochemistry in term of bio-corrosion, biosensor, and electrophysiology. He is currently a technical leader in biodegradation of metallic implant from Engineering Research Center for Revolutionizing Metallic Biomaterials (REC-RMB).  He is teaching Bio-corrosion, Medical Micro-Devices, Systems Biology, and Physiology. Dr. Yun is the author of 50 publications, book chapters and one book.

Research Interest

Interested in Biomedical Devices, Synthetic Biology and Nanomedicine.
