Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access

Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0501


Yukio Imamura

Yukio Imamura

Yukio Imamura
Human Health Science
Kyoto University, Japan


His past projects include molecular mechanism of glutamatergic synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity. To tackle these issues, gene knockout mice and gene transfection using recombinant viral vectors were used. Research projects were also performed with biochemical and electrophysiological techniques (patch-clamp recording, immunohistochemistry, immunoblotting etc). His current research interest is to figure out patho-physiology of inflammatory neurological diseases. These brain symptoms include septic encephalopathy, which is often confronted with an intensive care unit. Recently, our research group has been interested in non-invasive brain imaging such as functional near infra-red spectroscopy and electroencephalography. Utilizing these techniques, we are challenging to find patho-physiological mechanisms of a novel molecular target for therapeutics of neurological symptoms in human brain.

Research Interest

Roles of GABAergic inhibition and NMDA receptor subunits in information processing in cerebellar cortex Effects and mechanisms of Ras and Rap1 action on synaptic transmission mediated NMDA and AMPA receptors. Roles of Ras and Rap1 on voltage-gated ion channel activity. Modulation of Synaptic- and extra-synaptic NMDA receptor by Glycine transporter, Pathophysiological role of Reck tumor suppressor after cerebral ischemia, Patho-physiological study of septic encephalopathy, Biochemical and pharmacological mechanisms of matrix metalloproteinases in peripheral nervous system, Physiological mechanisms of human sensitivity ‘Kansei’ with near-infra red imaging and electroencephalography.
